Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Swim like a fish...oh how I wish

Let me impart on you some nuggets of wisdom that I gleamed from swimming.

1. No one looks good in a swim cap, especially if you have goggles on. You look like a bug, guaranteed. Not a pretty bug, like a preying mantis on steroids sort of bug.

2. Swimsuits show off your beautiful bike short tan. Mine is directly in the middle of my thigh, so yay for horizontal lines.

3. Spitting in your goggles helps keep the them from fogging up. I have yet to comes to term with spitting into something and then putting it directly on my face. (I usually end up spitting in them by mid swim practice just because I can't see through them anymore...)

4. Expect to panic in your first open water swim. If you don't, great. If you do...well seriously it is freaky how you can't see a dang thing, who knows what in heck is lurking in the water. I ran into a tree twice on our last open water swim.

5. I don't dehydrate easily during swim practice. I figure this has something to do with the 8 gallons of water that end up going up my nose.

6. Conditioner in the hair before getting in the chlorine is supposed to keep your hair from drying out. So far, it just makes my swim cap shoot off my head.

7. No man looks good in a speedo. Enough said.


Stephanie said...

I seriously had to stop reading this b/c i'm at work and i was laughing out loud!!! You are so crazy!