Allright friends, it is time to spice things up! I am inventing my own triathlon training game that is based solely on a points system. At the end of the training season, whoever has the most points wins, and earns the title of: BATT (Bad A$$ Triathlon Trainee...I might change that to something cooler but it's late, that's what I have for right now)
Let me give you the basics (I fully expect the game will evolve as time goes on):
1. Points are earned totally on the honor system
2. Points can be deducted by any team member who witnesses fouls
3. New categories of points/fouls can be requested by any player but must be approved by me. (I made up the game, thus I get to retain some sort of power...bwahhahahahahah)
This game is also only for beginners, you elite athletes have to make your own.
Current Breakdown of Points and Fouls:
- Every Cycle Crash: 10 points
- 5 points for every body part with road rash
- 5 points for every bruise, 15 pts for bruises bigger than your head
- 1 point for ejected water bottles
- 25 points if you get ran over by another biker...extra 5 if you have a bruise in the shape of the line where the tire ran over you.
- 1 point for forgetting to unclip and falling over/crashing on the bike
- 5 points for pitching yourself over your own handlebars
- 7 points for head on collisions in the pool (Only accidental counts)
- 25 points for changing your own flat tire
- 1 point for putting your chain back on the bike
- 5 points for understanding how to work a Garmin
- 5 points for understanding what in the heck a lactate threshold is and how to use it
- 2 points if you can install your own elastic bands in your running shoes
- 7 points if you can put conditioner in your hair and not lose your swim cap
- 10 points if you can wear a hydration belt with a straight face
- 10 points for every successful Farmers Blow/Snot Rocket (get your mind out of the gutter, and google it)
- Minus 25 points if you use the Farmers Blow and get snot on a team member
- Plus 150 points if you use the Farmers Blow and hit someone in an automobile cussing at you while you are cycling.
More to come, I am sure :)