Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bike Baby Bike

Holy Moly.

The bike continues to be the hardest of the three sports for me. Yesterday we did about 27 1/2 miles, and my quads cried like babies. Actually, come to think of it, I thought about crying like a baby myself. It was just one of those days where I struggled, swallowed a lot of pride, and ate my fair share of humble pie...neither of which is particularly appetizing.

I went on a new route, which was fantastic, the lake is starting to feel a little stale. I have to admit though, this will be the last triathlon I do on my hybrid/road bike. That stinker just wears me out completely. Thank goodness for fabulous training partner ( a.k.a. "Speedy" as I call her) keeps me motivated and laughing.

I had a lot of time to think while I was on the bike (Seriously two hours to kill, and I had to do something besides think about my quads). The one thing I have to share is that pushing yourself is part of the game of life. I have noticed since being completely thrown out of my comfort zone (college) that I have been doing more growing than I have done in a few years. Is it comfortable? No. Is it worth it? Absolutely.

I say this because I am sore, and I am tired from our cycling "adventure," but I can feel myself getting stronger. Not only physically, but mentally. I was talking to someone on my run this morning (6 miles!! 2 months ago I could barely run a mile!) and she was telling me how much of her struggle is mental. Her mind is so ready to give up long before her body is exhausted. I started to do a check this morning during our run. When I wanted to quit, was it because my body was really tired, or was it because mentally I wanted to be done?

10 out 10 times it was mental.

Think about that next time you are out of your comfort zone. I know I will!