Sunday, July 20, 2008

Officially a Triathlete

I am officially a Triathlete.

I got a few goosebumps saying's true though and I am amazed that 3 months went so quickly! I am a triathlete, I think I am going to have to keep saying that to myself for awhile until it sinks in. Wow.

Let me tell you about the goals I achieved today:

Finish a triathlon...Check!
Not walk the run portion of the race except for the water stop...Check!
Don't Drown...Check!
Finish in under 2 hours...Check! (1 hour and 43 minutes)

And because I do something crazy/dumb every single time I race or train, I have to share the worst battle scar story ever. My only injury the entire race is a straight, skinny raw line across the bottom of my stomach. The race belt. I thought it was marker until I poked it, and yelped. At least Cara fell off the bike, skidded sideways, ended up with road rash, calmly fixed her chain, got back on the bike, and then she passed me! That girl is officially nicknamed the Comeback Kid! No wonder, she is tough!!! was a day. Thank you to my girls for our pre-race prayer, that definitely helped calm to the storm of butterflies in my tummy.

Oh, and next Saturday I begin training again for my next triathlon. I know you must wondering what flavor of crack I must be smoking...but this crazy sport is addictive. Or at least I am beginning to think it might be the people and the energy are addictive. Either way, I am hooked!

Check back tomorrow, I am beginning a series of shout outs to my training partners who I couldn't have finished without. Until then, this tired triathlete is hitting the hay.


Stephanie said...

Um, i think its the teammates that I'm addicted to. IF, and i say IF i train for another one, its only b/c of you crazy girls that i'm doing it!!
i love you girl!!!