Monday, July 21, 2008

Shout Outs, Part I

There is no way on Earth that I would have been able to complete this triathlon without my IronGirls. So I am going to do a series of shoutouts to them individually...this might take a few posts but it's totally worth it.

Heck...let me start with my coaches

Coach B: You have more patience than anyone I know (with as much estrogen flying around, this was probably a survival technique) At the end of the day, you and Coach A set the tone of the group and it a positive atmosphere that made us one to come to days a week. And I know that we all loved having you announce at our race, thanks for making it spectacular.

Coach A: How is it that you are pregnant, and still able to out run, bike and swim me? Crazy. I consider you to be a friend, coach, and role model. I think you might also have race day picture taking down to an art, you were everywhere!

Assistant Coach S: I survived my first Sunnyvale Loop because you made sure the back of the pack stayed together. It was also great to have you at the race helping us with our last pre-race nerves. Thanks!

On to my training partners (this is done in no particular order, and I promise to get to everyone)

FloGlo: I knew the first day of training I was going to love training with you! You are hilarious, and an inspiration to me. You are my girl!

Melinda: Seriously, there were weeks on the bike I wanted to quit the whole triathlon sport. You reminded me no shame and I got back on the bike. You are a spectacular lady. Team in Training is lucky to have you!

Stephanie D: You are too sweet, and you have a sense of humor that never quits! Plus you are all kinds of an amazing writer, the poem for post-race dinner was...perfect. I hope you keep training, but I know we will stay in touch regardless!

JR: You have more energy than anyone I know, and I don't think I stop laughing whenever you are at training. (You also throw one mean post race dinner celebration.)

Jennifer B: You are one of the people I am always trying to keep up with on the bike. Your training took has just taken off, and it has been such a pleasure getting to know you over these 3 months. I would also like your banana pudding recipe...thank you.

Leona: Thanks for carpooling, and for being the one who researched everything triathlon. I learned more tips from you that I would have ever known otherwise. Get excited about Toyota!

Teresa: The group would never get started training on time without you :) Whenever we gab, Teresa is the one getting on the bike telling everyone to get their bums moving. She is tough, no doubt about it.

Cara: Anyone who crashes mid race and then gets back on the bike to finish...with no thought of quitting! Amazing. Way to go Comeback Kid. (Don't worry, you weren't too grumpy before the race, you were speaking in full sentences and everything)


Stephanie said...

shout out to YOU sister!!! YOUR humor never stops and is most for sure one of the biggest highlights of training for me!! you keep it real, and i LOVE that!!!