Monday, August 18, 2008

Joy...I missed you

Oh man, let me tell you about the last two weeks of training. I have been in a funk of epic proportions since the end of the IronGirls Triathlon. For a week or two I battled it, because I know myself well enough to know that sometimes I just have to weather the storm.

This was not one of those times.

Every single workout began to feel like a chore, and I even missed Happy Hour and a seminar on heart rate monitors. I rarely miss Happy Hour, because it is one of those rare times I can talk to my training friends in complete sentences. (As opposed to in between gasping breaths, praying my heart, or lungs, don't give out) But I knew I was going to be no fun to be around, and I desperately began to need to just have my nights off so I could catch up on chores, errands etc. hope of preserving my sanity and just as important, my love of the sport. I took a two week hiatus. I did a couple of light workouts, mostly because I am beginning to get moody if I don't have some sort of workout during the week (when did this happen? I think I am officially no longer a couch potato).

And this weekend I took a deep breath, said a little prayer, and went to training. My hope was that I had shaken my funk off...but I found something even better this weekend. I found joy, and deep satisfaction, and general enjoyment with training again. The weather in Dallas cooled to the 80's, and I was able to push myself without fear of over heating, and I had fun.

Three words, that make all the difference in this process.

I. Had. Fun.

A terrific bike ride on Saturday, snowballed into a fantastic training day on Sunday. I dropped my run time with my run group (scheduled for 1 hour, 50 min) to a 1 hour, 20 min run, so I could go to the scheduled Open Water Swim. The run was fantastic, I flew! We ran some miles at least a minute faster than normal. Then I hopped in the car, headed to the lake (smooth as glass!) did an 800 meter swim, which is race distance, swam around a little longer, and hopped out to get ready for a trail run. I ran with two of my fave Iron Girl training partners, and we did about 40 minutes of trail running. (Give or take, we had to dodge bikers, and I took a wrong turn so we had to back track once or twice).

Fantastic, just a fantastic weekend.

Joy...glad to see you are back, I missed you.


Stephanie said...

Yeah for the return of JOY!! I had a fantastic day Sunday too! I'm really glad you decided to kick some serious butt and run twice so you could lead us through those crazy trails!