Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The swim, and my first prissy girl moment

I haven't forgotten to mention the swim.

You need a suit, goggles, and a swim cap. I have no idea how to put a swim cap on. My biggest question: Has anyone ever lost an eye trying to put one of those on? I am so going to end up hurting myself with that dang thing.

I have heard you can also pick up fins, and...a buoy? I think I am getting some of the terms wrong, but basically they are tools that help you train your lower body or upper body separately to work on technique. Luckily, the team I signed up with has a contract with a swim masters club in the area and they have all that covered.

The Swim is probably the event I am most worried about. I still say if you dropped me in the middle of the lake I wouldn't drown, right away. I mean I can sort of swim...sigh, fine...I look like a drowning rat, me swimming is not pretty at all.

Warning Prissy Girl Moment: Okay, I have to get this out here, I hate to swim for the normal girl reasons. Mostly, the fact that you have to wear a swim suit in surprises, right? The other thing I am dreading is is going to kill my hair!

Ugh, curly hair + chemicals = Don King like hair.

I said it, I admitted to it, I have a prissy girl living deep inside me and she hates the idea of having crappy hair. Is that going to stop me? Well, no...but deep down inside we all think about it. No excuses ladies, train anyway!